On a day-to-day basis its rare something stops us in our path and makes us pause. Whilst on my last trip to Rome my attention was well and truly caught by Nara Camicie, a shirt shop for men and women.
In fashion retail, statistics show that you will sell 10 times more product when displayed on a mannequin than the same product hung on a hanger. So what have Nara Camicie done....not a hanger in site!

Fair enough, it is a boutique and they don't have quite the volume of say TM Lewin but the design is clever and most importantly eye-catching. Each bust is attached to a frosted door panel that opens up as a cupboard stocking all the sizes behind it (very reminiscent of the Levis concept on Regent Street 8 years ago). The VM is fantastic and really has that Italian crispness that we have come to expect from our Roman friends.