Thursday, 26 June 2014

The French blow us away with an Inspiration Corridor

Everyone talks about meaningful digital experiences and yet rarely do we see them in retail.Recent highlights have been Emart digi navigational shopping and Tesco QR wall, both in South Korea.

We're always on the search for ways to take a digital experience 'out-of-the-computer' and this little beauty has blown us away!

French Mall operator Klepierre have teamed up with DigitasLBi Labs to create an Inspiration Corridor. A corridor that demonstrates the future possibilities within retail using location marketing, body scanners, product scanners, high-tech touch screens combined with a geo-location enabled App.

Bought a pair of shoes and not sure how to put a look together around them? Not a problem. Step in to the corridor and it scans your body and clothes to understand the basics. Then scan your shoes and the corridor will begin to put collections together based around different social occasions.

Swipe the screens to find the right look for you. Now for the really smart part in terms of its connection with the real world. Your choices are sent to your smart phone through their App and it then shows you a floor plan of the mall and directs you to the store to make your purchase. EPIC!

See for yourself how it all seamlessly works together and be prepared for your view on the future of retail to be changed forever.

The smart part of this experience is how it takes the best of both worlds. Endless possiblities in the digital world that you just can't do in the real world (your stock holding would be bigger than Amazons warehouse!) combined with that tactile, hands on experience of touching and trying on an item of clothing in the real world. Truly connected experiences like this are the future.

Hats off to both parties involved for a great piece of innovation.

Watch the news board on TYC website for new digital experiences that we're about to launch that take the digital experience 'out-of-the-computer' to make it more meaningful, delightful and surprising.