Brazilian advertising agency Loducca is radically encouraging a change in this habit. 'A Loja Vazia' or 'The Empty Shop' first popped up in a mall in Sao Paulo last year with the simple instruction – 'bring clothes to the shop instead of taking them from the shop'.
The reason? To collect clothes to help those in need. An innovative new way of approaching charity and the collection of clothing donations, 'A Loja Vazia' is a sleek pop-up store that starts as literally an empty shop in the middle of a mall acting as a drop-off for donated clothing.
Stylists man the shop each day and create fashionable displays of the donated clothes as if the store were a typical high-street fashion store. The store is emptied each night ready for the next days donations and the process begins again. The result? Well, VillaLobos mall managed to collect 3.2 tons of clothes and help thousands of people in need!
Amazingly, the project has been designed as an open-source platform meaning any individual or company can access the plans, communications campaign and all other details for free!
'A Loja Vazia' has already hit the UK, with the first popping up in Manchester's Arndale in earlier this year.
Who would of it thought, charity becoming premium!
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