Friday, 5 September 2014

Solar Frickin roadways - its the future!

As our agency mantra is all about 'Only working with clients who want to change a sector or create something remarkable' we're always on the look out for those who are working in a same way.

And oh boy, have these guys change a sector! Solar Roadways are a US company who have come up with an ingenious idea to not only change roads, but how to solve part of the world energy problem. 

Solar Roadways have created a modular paving system of solar panels that can replace any conventional road surface! Amongst many other cool features, the panels generate renewable energy and can even heat the road in icy conditions! 

And what a way to promote such an incredible invention! Watch the video and be prepared to fall in love with this brand.

A great approach and it just shows bluesky thinking can become reality and change the way we live. This summer, Solar Roadways raised 2.2m$ on Indiegogo, which was more than double the original funding.

Not sure if we'll ever be able to change world energy problems but we'll certainly tackle each challenge on at a time. Yesterday, the retail landscape of TfL alongside changing the UK publics perception of Health retail.

 Who knows what tomorrow might bring? But whatever the challenge, it'll be frickin awesome just like Solar Frickin roadways!

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